Course Information.


Module 1.

Module 1 is designed for Elementary level to Early Middle School aged children. This can typically be from the age range of 7-12 year olds.

  • Build apps & games

  • Explore STEM Subjects and world of Technology

  • Design Minecraft mods

  • Control robots, drones

Students in this module, learn to code in Java while making custom modifications (mods) to their favorite video game, Minecraft, learn how to code and design a game with Scratch and much more. This class creates a great introduction to coding and create a foundation for students to use in other advanced programming languages.


Module 2.

Module 2 is designed with the late/advanced Middle School to High School aged adolescents. This can typically be from the age range of 13-18 year olds.

  • Javascript & Python

  • Programming & Design Mobile Applications

  • Learn Data Structures

  • Web Development with HTML, CSS

  • Prep for AP Computer Science

Students in this module, will also have opportunities to meet young adults in the industry & university, who will introduce students to the many options in technology.